Friday, April 23, 2010

Reflecting on the ARTAPS class to date

I have been out of commission for a while because of no computer to work from. I had and always had every intention to stay on track and keep my thoughts on point, but things always happen, and there is nothing you can do, but wait and hope that help is on the way.

This entry deals solely on my reflections of the ARTAPS course I elected to take. First off, I am glad I elected to take this course because I am surrounded by fellow music teachers who want to make a difference in how instruction is delivered in their classrooms. I joined the class because I wanted to open my mind and teach and think outside my ordinary usual manner and, in turn, free my children's thinking as well. The purposes of the class are clear: to perform, to create, to appreciate music. At times, I get challenged to move outside the comfort zone way of doing things, that my style gets to be "old hat" and old hat is boring and monotonous. The kids deserve a fun and exciting, challenging musical experience. I was the most qualified for the job, so I must make it happen for my students. The course is very innovative and contains presentations that are highly relevant to me as the leader of my musical society( my classroom) and is helpful in many ways.

I look forward to each class, as each class brings about a better understanding of what is expected of me as a student. I really want to do a webinar for the first time! I enjoy learning and putting to use new technological ideas. These are great tools that did not exist when I was in high school yet were evolving when I was in college, and as technology expands, so must my ideas to keep with the times. The class is very useful in my everyday life, in that I am consciously aware now of my thought process and in which way I am using my brain. I truly tend to be more right brained. It's inborn!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your observations. Also post your thoughts on connections you make between your Pink readings and your classroom practice. Keep in mind your complete Action Research Project is due on your blog by Saturday May 8th. Looking forward to reading it.
