Saturday, November 14, 2009

Today's Class November 14, 2009

Today's sessions were more informational. It is still unclear how to properly assess progression the way we are to do it here, but it will be clearer as we go along.....

In class Dr. Janse spoke more on class assessing..... The second class we enjoyed presentations of colleagues' about musical influences.

MY musical influences are my uncle Calvin, my mother, Mrs. Deluca, Mrs. Crabb, and the musical group Commissioned!!!

I am still in the process of reading A WHOLE NEW MIND, BY Daniel Pink. The information I have read thus far was engaging, and I found myself wanting to learn more about the L-Directed and R-Directed Thinking. All left brain thinking is more critical and analysing, but right brain is more spacial and emotion. More on the A's.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

What Art Is To Me

Art is beauty. I am art. I make art by sharing what is inside of me. I look around and see examples of beauty and art all around me. Art is also the scenery and the sounds that I hear. It is something to be admired. God created this art for all to admire and appreciate and create alike. Art is a personal experience for the artist, and for the admirer, a thing to analyse and critique.